Tuesday 17 May 2011

~on the other side~ ( 17 may 2011 )

On the other side still on this side
Shines the sun behind the moon
Lies a smile beneath the cry
Hope beyond no hope
Melting together this human
Animals and humans as one
In the shattered soul
remains something still whole
In this broken body 
some kind of strength

But to care is to feel
what can not heal
When you can smile you can cry
When you can cry you can smile
Moments sprinkles light
Shines sun on the dark night
A glimpse on the door
to something that was before

Tuesday 3 May 2011

The Cage

you cant see the locks all the bared windows
but its all there
cant escape this can't leave this cage
only flying when I close my eyes
dark all around cant see the light outside this walls
for a moment when I wake I am alive
within a moment its all gone
going round in circles I can't get out

I see the door opens I crawl closer and its shut
open a window I need some air
wishing for endless sleep where the cage is gone
over green fields I fly open wings and heart
let me out of here don't let me wake
tears and pain once again
and everything is ugly

Damaged (feb 2011)

invisble to the world
invisble and unheard
scattered broken and alone
feeling it all the way to the bone
I awake but the wrong is still there
And still I feel that you don't care
Just a hint of it what I need
Would bring light to me indeed
But I breathe once again in vain
I don't think I will escape all the pain
Like a vampire dead but seeing
Looking for a new way of being
To embrace the dark without any light
A new way of living it might be right

Drowned Soul

too hurt to get hurt
too much pain to feel pain
who worries about you when you lay dead inside on the floor
tears dried
who get scared when you are all quiet
what do you feel when you stand up and it's all in vain
can they hear your silent scream so loud in your head

no one will come for you like you thought
no one will hear your scream
no one will touch your heart

sleeping with eyes open but I see no dreams
non of them are like you
they don't rescue me they don't hurt me
silent so silent
my mouth so dry
nothing to want anymore

words with no sound
insane  for a while
nothing  effects

curses the moment I can breathe again
curses the moment I can feel again

Broken Friend

A fake smile I am fine...
And now I know your kind
I should hate you since you laughed at me
But I can't help who I love you see
Your few words .. is it something you need?
my feelings doesn't reach you indeed
you hurt me and treated me bad
and I felt like you were all I had
a part of me have turned cold
you miss me .. or so I have been told
where are the feelings? am I your friend?
things are not okay I can't pretend
If I speak and let you in
No.. where should I begin
The danger of getting hurt getting ignored
to be left all alone again.. what is that good for?
So I keep my mouth shut nothing feels right
Want to scream it all out but you just might
turn your back once again treat wrong
till my trust is all gone

Want some reactions something for me
But guess this is how it will be
Me let down things in my head
hurt pain till my heart is dead

gave all I had to take your pain
to find out it was all in vain
I want so much more from you
to hear you say: " I need you I don't know what to do
didn't know how I could hurt you . I wish i knew
I feel so bad ,
you were my best friend and now I am so sad
I do anything for you now I know that is true
I'll prove it to you just open the door
to have you back as it was before , I regret I wasn't there for you
cause you gave your time did the best you could do
I know you just gave love for a friend
and would be there till the bitter end.."

What more to say wish it would change my day
Feels almost beyond repair
Feels I shouldn't have cared..
So few word so tired of feeling
of being scared and dealing
with the danger of being alone
not sure when it will all be gone

Miss you bad and it do makes me so sad

Silent words

How long can I pretend
How long.. like it wasn't the end
Silently longing Silently screaming
Time so fast time so slow
wake me up please I must be dreaming
unsafe and unsure if I can handle much more
sitting waiting wasting
a new day and the shining sun
but to the dark and the moon I will run
hopes and wishes some light some kisses
to let go to run free
once again to be all of me