Tuesday 3 May 2011

Broken Friend

A fake smile I am fine...
And now I know your kind
I should hate you since you laughed at me
But I can't help who I love you see
Your few words .. is it something you need?
my feelings doesn't reach you indeed
you hurt me and treated me bad
and I felt like you were all I had
a part of me have turned cold
you miss me .. or so I have been told
where are the feelings? am I your friend?
things are not okay I can't pretend
If I speak and let you in
No.. where should I begin
The danger of getting hurt getting ignored
to be left all alone again.. what is that good for?
So I keep my mouth shut nothing feels right
Want to scream it all out but you just might
turn your back once again treat wrong
till my trust is all gone

Want some reactions something for me
But guess this is how it will be
Me let down things in my head
hurt pain till my heart is dead

gave all I had to take your pain
to find out it was all in vain
I want so much more from you
to hear you say: " I need you I don't know what to do
didn't know how I could hurt you . I wish i knew
I feel so bad ,
you were my best friend and now I am so sad
I do anything for you now I know that is true
I'll prove it to you just open the door
to have you back as it was before , I regret I wasn't there for you
cause you gave your time did the best you could do
I know you just gave love for a friend
and would be there till the bitter end.."

What more to say wish it would change my day
Feels almost beyond repair
Feels I shouldn't have cared..
So few word so tired of feeling
of being scared and dealing
with the danger of being alone
not sure when it will all be gone

Miss you bad and it do makes me so sad

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